The backyard is one of the major deciding factors of why people choose the house that they do. Outdoor living activities have increased in popularity. To that end, homeowners usually have contractors build structures that will augment their outdoor living. One of those structures is the pergola.
A pergola is a roofed structure usually with open sides. It can be freestanding, or it can extend from the house. In case you’re wondering what use a pergola has, below are four ways the structure can benefit your outdoor living.
1. Shady Space
Possibly the main reason homeowners have a pergola installed in their backyard is to add a shady space for their outdoor activities. The standard pergola consists of four poles with open beams across the top. Depending on the amount of shade you want, you can add elements such as climbing plants or screens. As a bonus, more enclosed pergolas also shield you from light rain or snow.
Obviously, you can use your new shady space any way you want. However, homeowners often set up a dining area under their pergola so they can enjoy eating al fresco. If lounging is more your style, you could place an outdoor sofa and relaxation chairs. Some homeowners even have a pergola constructed over their outdoor kitchen or bar. You can also place a hot tub underneath.
2. Space Definition
In that vein, another prime reason to add a pergola is to help define your spaces. Open-plan concepts are all well and good until you have a wide expanse of space and you need to plan out activity areas. A pergola can help add definition within that open plan.
For example, imagine you have an open patio and your backyard. You want to cook, dine, entertain, and relax. Placing cooking and dining elements near the door to the kitchen makes sense. However, what about your lounge area? Lolling around in full view doesn’t seem very restful. Instead, you could have a pergola built in one corner of your patio or yard and designate it as your lounge.
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